YetiCon 2025 discount booking is now available!
Although any of the accommodations listed will provide you easy access to YetiCon, we recommend one of The Village locations to be closer to The Village Conference Centre.
Please click here to head to Blue Mountain’s discount booking page.
The group code “100025” should be pre-applied, so simply input desired dates and number of guests (recommended dates: June 13th-June 15th).
Select room type, then View Rates and Add to Itinerary in order to proceed to Blue Mountain’s checkout.
A one night’s deposit will be processed at the time of booking. There is no cancellation penalty up to 7 days before your stay.
All rooms at The Village, Mosaic, and Blue Mountain Inn will include unlimited access to the Gondola, Hiking trails, and Canopy Climb as well as free underground parking for a vehicle and wi-fi. Due to the Blue Mountain Inn not having underground parking, it will also include a food & beverage credit of $20 per night for the Pottery Restaurant or Jozo’s Bar.
Please note that rooms outside of The Village, Mosaic, and The Blue Mountain Inn, such as resort homes like Rivergrass will not include the aforementioned bonuses. To compensate, Rivergrass will have reduced fees; additionally Rivergrass already includes free outdoor parking.
The Village locations: Grand Georgian, Seasons, Weider Lodge, Mosaic and The Westin Trillium are on-site.
Resort homes: Rivergrass, Wintergreen, Mountain Walk, and Cachet Crossing are a nearby walk.
The Blue Mountain Inn is just less than a 10 minute walk to The Village.
If you are unsure of hotel locations: please reference the map by Clicking Here for a map of the resort.
The address for the Blue Mountain Village is: 156 Jozo Weider Blvd, The Blue Mountains, ON L9Y 3Z2
YetiCon is held at the Blue Mountain Village Conference Centre (completely wheelchair accessible!), while outdoor activities are held around the Blue Mountain Village!